President: professor T.J.Gruffydd-Jones B Vet Med, PhD Dip. ECVIM,MRCVS
Please complete as requested, delete where appropriate and return to the Membership Secretary:
Mrs Sue Womar
Silver Trees
65B Links Lane
Rowlands Castle
Hampshire PO9 6AF
I wish to join the Abyssinian Cat Club and agree to abide by the Club rules and the Constitution of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy.
As a member of the Abyssinian Cat Club I undertake never knowingly to sell kittens or cats to pet shops or animal dealers and to take responsibility, as far as I am able, for the welfare of animals I own, breed or sell.
Our Club magazine, Papyrus, has two editions each year which will be sent to you by email, in full colour, - you will appreciate saving the Club printing and postage costs!
I am interested in Breeding / Showing / Pet Ownership
SURNAME (Mr / Mrs / Ms)…………………………………………………………......................................
FIRST NAME (S)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Tel No…………………………………………………………..GCCF Prefix (if any)…………………………………..
E mail address……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
I enclose postal order/cheque for £_______________ (To include £2 Entry Fee)
USUAL SIGNATURE…………………………………………………………………….DATE………………………….
*NAME OF PROPOSER………………………………………………....Signature…………………………………..
*NAME OF SECONDER………………………………………………….Signature…………………………………..
* Must be a Club Member
If no Club members are known, a letter from your veterinary Surgeon will be helpful
ENTRY FEE (Information Pack included)………………………………………… £2.00
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION Single Membership………………………………….£7.00
Joint Membership……………………………………£10.00
(Under 16 next Birthday) Junior Membership………………………………….£3.00
CLUB BADGES………………………………………………………………………………....£6.00
Subscriptions are renewable on January 1st. New Members joining the Club after November 1st will have no further payments the following year.
GCCF Prefix applications may be countersigned by the Club Secretary after you have been a member of the Abyssinian Cat Club for a minimum of twelve months.
Your above information will be held on a database for Club administration only.