
Show 2023

Thanks to all our judges and stewards

for their hard work and the exhibitors

for their support.



Overall and Best Aby Adult

Ch Abydreames Sekhmet (ABY n)

Best Aby Kitten

Abydreames Valentino (ABY n)

Best Aby Neuter

Pr NAughtypaw Garlic Bread(ABY o)

Best Somali Adult

Adsymsl Rockinrobin (SOS o)

Best Somali kitten

Somantikks Diamond in the Ruff (SOL ns)

Overall and Best Somali Neuter

Somantikks Hoban Washburne (SOL ns)

Best Pedigree Pet

Isaac (PPS n24)

The schedule remains here for information


Open class results for 10th June 2023

  Owner Breeder
Imperial Classes      
Abyssinian Imperial Grand Premier (MN) Gr Pr Abychat Blue Suede-Shoes Miss C Dacre Miss RM Eagland
Somali Imperial Grand Premier (MN) Ch & GrPr Somantikks Hoban Washburne Ms E Butler & A Wilkins Miss L D Burns
Grand Classes      
Abyssinian Grand Champion (F) Ch Abydreames Sekhmet (Aby n) Mr M Mrs L Eames Exhibitors
Somali Grand Champion (M) Ch Sharavi Thor (Sol n) Mr N Gilbert V Sharavin
Abyssinian Grand Premier (MN) Pr Naughtypaw Garlic Bread (Aby o) Ms B Emlyn Mrs G Kent
Adult Breed Classes      
Usual Abyssinian (F) BOB Ch Abydreames Sekhmet Mr M & Mrs L Eames Exhibitors
Blue Abyssinian (F) BOB Ch Tarjei's Honeysuckle Rose Mr R J & Mrs K E Quinlan C Roos
AC Silver Abyssinian (F) CC & BOB Westford Ashby (ABY ns) Miss E Westley & Mr P Rutherford Exhibitors
AC short haired Somali (M) CC & BOB Adsymsl Rockinrobin (Sos o) Mrs D Taylor Mrs D & Miss A Taylor
Kitten Breed Classes      
Usual Abyssinian 1st & BOB Abydreames Valentino (M) Mr M & Mrs L Eames Exhibitors
Blue Abyssinian 1st & BOB Abydreames Mae West (F) Ms C Styles Mr M & Mrs L Eames
Chocolate or Lilac Abyssinian 1st & BOB Abychat Lady-Lynx (Aby c) (F) Miss R M agland Exhibiitor
Fawn Abyssinian 1st & BOB Abychat Fawn-Lynx (F) Miss R M EAgland Exhibitor
Silver Somali 1st & BOB Somantikks Damond in the Ruff (Sol ns) (M) Miss L D Burns Exhibitor
Neuter Breed Classes      
Sorrel Abyssinian BOB Pr Naughtypaw Garlic Bread (MN) Ms B Emlyn Mrs G Kent
Blue Abyssinian BOB Gr Pr Abychat Blue Suede-Shoes Miss C Dacre Miss RM Eagland
Chocolate or Lilac PC & BOB Abychat Kit-Kat (ABY b) ((FN) Mrs S J Whitworth Miss R M Eagland
Usual Somali PC & BOB Supatoft Bewitched (FN) Miss T Clucas Mrs B Horsley
Silver Somali BOB Ch & GrPr Somantikks Hoban Washbune (Sol ns) (MN) Ms E Butler & A Wilkins Miss L D Burns





Contact us for more info


